Funny Thanksgiving Jokes are here to make your gratitude day memorable. Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are celebrating the day of gratitude and joy. No matter if you are a religious person or not, you will never miss a Thanksgiving with your family and friends. And this is the reason why everyone loves to celebrate Thanksgiving.
With Thanksgiving comes a lot of pressure. The pressure to decorate the home in a way that radiates the fall season and a Thanksgiving dinner prepared just right are the top pressures. Between all this hustle and bustle, Funny Thanksgiving jokes and Jokes can lift the pressure.
Not only this but if you are in charge of making the home just right for Thanksgiving and your siblings are not like the task, funny Thanksgiving words and funny Thanksgiving signs can make your job done.
Sitting at the Thanksgiving table with your peeps, you can recite some funny Thanksgiving prayers and funny turkey jokes to make the meal memorable.
Find the best funny Thanksgiving words, prayers, Jokes, signs, and wishes from below and make everyone smile.

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes 2023
Celebrate Thanksgiving with your neighbors; invite them over for dinner and make merry. Just don’t forget to kill them to take all their belongings.
What if we eat a lot at Thanksgiving and God sends us to hell for eating someone else’s meal?
People are happy that they would meet their families at Thanksgiving, I’m just excited about the feisty Turkey and wine.
If someone likes to spend Thanksgiving with me, they should prepare their meal.
Who wants a Thanksgiving for meeting people, we can meet them all over our lifetime; Thanksgiving should only be about eating and crashing on couches.
I am thankful that Thanksgiving comes only once a year.
Have a tasty Thanksgiving dinner, but don’t overeat or the turkey will start talking for itself.
I love Thanksgiving dinner but I am too lazy for making one.
May your Thanksgiving blessings be as healthy as your Thanksgiving turkey.
Follow Thanksgiving traditions and overeat.
Make sure you tie your turkey’s legs tightly, so it couldn’t run when you are about to cut it.
My Thanksgiving traditions include sitting on the couch in my PJs all day and having dinner in my room at night.

Start drinking early at Thanksgiving so you can enjoy it till the end.
I will be thankful at Thanksgiving when I don’t have to do anything on this day.
The best thing to talk about at Thanksgiving is food, the best to do is eat.
You shouldn’t be asking God for anything else if you have got good mashed potatoes on your plate at Thanksgiving.
I plan to invite only a few relatives to Thanksgiving dinner so that I can have the leftovers for tomorrow.
If a pie and stuffed turkey makes you happy, congratulations, you are a perfect Thanksgiving person.
My plans for this Thanksgiving are to eat less turkey to keep for pumpkin pie and lots of late-night beer.
If you are thankful to God, share your beer with your peeps, coz that’s what Thankful people do; they share.
Funny Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends
May you have a belly, that how much you eat on the day of Thanksgiving you can’t tally! And every day you throw us a party! Wishing happy Thanksgiving!
May the turkey you cook, I eat! May the party you throw I feast! Wishing Happy Thanksgiving!
Life is a celebration, Only on Thanksgiving, it is free. May the celebration always be! Happy Thanksgiving!
The biggest irony about the thanksgiving festival; you express gratitude by killing and eating an innocent bird.
Thanksgiving festival gives us one fine opportunity every year to sit back and contemplate why we don’t meet people for the rest of the year. Happy Thanksgiving!
I belong to a family where sweet mashed potato is considered as the most delectable sweet.
May on this Thanksgiving you share your wealth with me and forever be! Happy Thanksgiving! May you pay my bills also!
May what you eat today on the day of Thanksgiving, be what you be in your next birth! May whatever you have done today, May it be done to you in your next birth! Eat turkey wisely! Happy Thanksgiving!
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