5 June declared as a World Environment Day (WED) in 1972 by UN General Assembly. It was the first day of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment. This held on 5-6 June in Stockholm Sweden.
However, the purpose of celebrating this day was to spread awareness around the world about the plantation and greenery. So, the first time World Environment Day is celebrated under the slogan of “Only One Earth” in 1974. On this occasion, many environmental issues for instance air pollution, water pollution, sustainable consumption are hot topics. In addition, food security, illegal wildlife trade, deforestation discuss on a national and international level. Furthermore, many leaders, organizations and societies arrange plantation events on different sites of cities. The main purpose of this activity is to realize the importance of trees in human life. Especially they provide oxygen, without oxygen none is able to breathe in this world.

World Environment Day 5 June 2021 Theme
“Ecosystem Restoration” is the theme to celebrate WED worldwide. This means the restoration of healthy and fresh surroundings through various small actions. For example, enhanced biodiversity with the combination of healthy ecosystems results in enormous stores of greenhouse gasses, fertile soil and increased yield of fish and timber. The UN Environmental Program (UNEP) commemorates this day each year to aware people regarding the protection of the environment. Forestation can stable the atmosphere and make it more fresh and healthy. However, there is a need for plantations as many housing schemes and buildings deforest the land. It affected life and enhanced environmental pollution.

It’s time to heal the Earth. Moreover, we can reinstall the degraded portion of the environment which is affected by pollution and global warming. Trees and plants play important role in reducing global warming. Take a step to green the surrounding. Your small effort will prove fruitful. Also, spread awareness among others through campaigns, events and social media.